This animated commercial shows 5 different situations through black and white drawings that are somewhat realistic and at the same time abstract.
This commercial has had quite a strong impact on me, because they are showing situations that are too horrific to show through photography/video- but still have just a strong impact because you know its real.
The evil characters are drawn in black and are almost flames, while the innocents and white, almost transparent in the same white backgrounds.
The fact that there is only black and white, is because the ad is telling the situations rather than the descriptive green landscapes, yellow buildings or furnished rooms. It wants you to focus only on the situations. There is no dialogue either, because it is not important, whatever brought these people to these situations it is not acceptable to treat someone that way. This draws you in even more.
Throughout the whole thing you feel a sense of relief that these purple scribbles are saving them, only to find out in the end that it could be you saving them, because they are signatures of others.
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